Two weeks ago I went to Laguna Toro, a beautiful lake surrounded with mountains and a glacier. To get there you have to walk 19 km from where I live, so I had to camp there the night. In total, I walked 52 km in two days (including some exploring I did around the place).
It is definitely one of the best places around here, but it is hard to go there. The trails is very long, with plenty of ups and downs, and to make it worse I had to wade a small river (5 m wide!) that I didn't know was there. Since I didn't have anything to put on my feet, I had to cross it barefoot, but with the temperature the first day it was actually nice. Unfortunately, the next day I was in a hurry to get back (I had to work) and the temperature was very low, so putting your feet in freezing water is not my idea of a nice morning.
Aside from that, the place is beautiful. From camp you are only 1 km from the lake and 3 km from a glacier. I highly recommend it.
Sunset was very disappointing. The cloud were to thick to get any color on the sky, and they stayed there all night long so I couldn't do any strartrails. In the morning the sky looked equally gray but I decided to give it a try and went to a place I had found the day before.
Morena Laguna Toro, El Chalten, Patagonia Argentina |
This image was taken 15 minutes before sunrise, and like one of the last images I took, it is a blend of two exposures (one for the sky, one for the foreground). Its not what I had in mind, but since the sky never showed any color, it the best I could get.
Calor y Frio Laguna Toro, El Chalten, Patagonia Argentina |
This one was more accidental than the first. While I was returning to camp I was sunlight hitting some rocks and decided to take a simple shoot (to show once I returned) and saw the different color of the rocks. The ones in the foreground are being hit by the sun, but the ones in the back are in the shadow. and that gives them their different color. I led how the texture of the rocks turned out.
Its not much for such a long trip, but I had a good time and it was my first time there.
Now that the season is ending and I will have 6 month free, I certainly have to go back again, with better weather and more time there. In a few days I leave to Torrers del Paine in Chile, to get some equipment and try my luck in the "W" trail. After that, I have a few weeks here and then I am off to Buenos Aires to see my family. And once I am back, I will have plenty of time to go out.
See you around!