Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Lluvia de Estrellas


Or something similar. Two day ago I went again to Laguna Torre to photograph the sunrise. I managed to get some awesome pictures of the mountains, get my foot in a freezing river AND get some pretty nice bird pictures while coming back. Not bad!

I am still working on them, so in the meantime here are some pictures from the last time. This ones where captured while camping in Campamento Agostini, 1 km away from Laguna Torre. I woke up in the middle of the night to get some pictures of the mountains and the stars but with out moon (new moon) they where pretty dark.

This one turned out nice. Its a 4 minutes exposure (single shot) of Cerro Torre. In case you are wondering why the tip is slightly orange, that is because of the light from El Chalten, some 10 km away!

Lluvia de Estrellas

Laguna Torre, El Chalen, Patagonia Argentina

This one is from sunrise. Everybody always shoots from the Lake, but I wanted to get some showing the river that is born from the lake (Rio Fitz Roy).

I shoot a panorama of two horizontal images and two exposures each too balance the dark foreground with the mountains. Finally I blended the two resulting panoramas in photoshop using several layers. I would have like some clouds near the mountains but I was not lucky enough. Still, I like the result.

Rio Fitz Roy

Rio Fitz Roy, El Chalten, Patagonia Argentina
In a few days, I will be uploading several new pictures from the same place, but a different day.

See you around!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Chalten and other images

After a few days out in the trails, its time to upload some of the pictures I made. This time I have six new pictures, plus I reuploaded Crack.

A few weeks ago I found a great tutorial by Hougaard Malan about sharpening. The results is pretty good, and comparing the new picture against the old one is impressive. After spending a few hours experimenting with it, I finally found out a result I like and once I have my new site up I plan to reupload my old pictures. In the meantime, go check it out!

The first picture is from Laguna de los Tres, the same place where I made Crack. This time I wanted to try something different. I was lucky enough to have some huge cloud formations on the back, but the mountains were almost completely clear.

Cerro Fitz Roy, Cerro Poincenot

Laguna de los Tres, El Chalten, Patagonia Argentina
Next is a panorama of Valle del Rio de las Vueltas, on my way to Campamento Poincenot. Taken during a pretty colorless sunrise, this shows the northern side of the valley.

Valle del Rio de las Vueltas, El Chalten, Patagonia Argentina
This one was from a failed sunrise. I was trying to shoot Cerro Torre (which is behind the rainbow) but is was pretty covered. I managed to capture this on my way back, and even though it would have been spectacular to have Cerro Torre in the back, the clouds give it a nice atmosphere.

Arco Iris

Valle del Rio Fitz Roy, El Chalten, Patagonia Argentina
I also managed to capture a few birds in several days. I particularly like the first one. It was taken at the edge of a forest (from outside shooting to the inside). He just sat there on a branch illuminated by small ray of sunlight giving a very dark background behind.

Chingolo III (Chingolo)

El Chalten, Patagonia Argentina

Pitio (Carpintero Pitio)

El Chalten, Patagonia Argentina

Torrentosos (Patos de los Torrentes, male and female)

Rio Fitz Roy, El Chalten, Patagonia Argentina
Finally, a simple sunrise over Rio Fitz Roy. The sky turned a furious pink just before sunset, but lost all color a few minutes before the sun rose above the horizon. This one was taken around 30 minutes before that.


Rio Fitz Roy, El Chalten, Patagonia Argentina
So, this is it for now. I still have a few more pictures to upload, but I am going out tomorrow night to the same place so I will wait until I return.

See you arround!